What we teach our kids

Bell rings and they go to their classes. Bell rings, they put down their pencils. Bell rings, they go home. This sounds more like a factory during the industrial revolution that a school. How much of what we believe about education is based on industrial age thinking?

Is this the best way to teach the next generation of innovators? We are educating a generation of builders that will shape the realities of the new world. Most of the jobs they will do don’t even exist yet.

The only way to adequately prepare them is to teach them to solve problems for themselves. Our models and thinking will not be sufficient to help them build the future. Is the best way to teach independent thinking, creative problem solving, and co-creation in a classroom where we listen more than we talk?

The entrenched systems of education are hard to change. Easy is not a precondition for necessary.

Perhaps we could change the thinking instead.

Great Ted talk on this here.


Originally posted here.